Evolve IP Blog | UK

Teams & Webex: Get the Best of Both Worlds

Written by Olly Harrison | Nov 25, 2024 8:45:00 AM

Teams & Webex: Get the Best of Both Worlds


Have your cake and eat it?


Sure - what’s not to like about that proposition?


In fact, in the modern workplace, it’s not so much a luxury as a necessity.

That’s not because we think we are somehow entitled to have it all; it’s because the technological tools with which we are equipped come in various forms and flavours. Businesses make their own particular choice but must also be sufficiently flexible to work with others that have chosen differently.

Communication technology is perhaps where that compatibility must be most in evidence. After all, it would be a pretty one-sided conversation if two parties lacked the ability to actually connect with each other.


For millions around the world, Microsoft Teams is the platform with which they have been provided. For millions of others, it is Webex by Cisco. All those users must be able to do business with each other in order to function and thrive. Consequently, the ability to flip seamlessly between both platforms has become a differentiating factor in the constant quest for enhanced productivity and efficiency.

It's because those giant, feature-rich platforms have become our virtual offices – the vast, cloud-powered spaces in which we meet, collaborate, and communicate. Their super-smart functionality enables us to do all of that (and much more) with just a few clicks: their user interfaces as familiar to us as our TVs or smartphones.


They both integrate frictionlessly with an ever-expanding array of third-party tools, applications and that all help bring business-critical processes and workflows together into one convenient place. In the case of Webex, for example, it integrates with various tools within the o365 suite such as Authentication, Outlook calendar, Teams presence sync, and Sharepoint. And, although priced differently and with differing performance ratings depending on whose opinion you trust most, both platforms deliver high-value returns on investment.

Indeed, businesses tend to be either Microsoft-dependent or Cisco-dependent for very good reasons - they are not two of the world’s biggest B2B technology providers for nothing.

However, the point is that whichever mast businesses have nailed their colours to, their employees are more productive and efficient if they are able to meet, collaborate, and communicate via both.


At Evolve IP UK, we understand how important that kind of easy flexibility can be. That’s why our unified communication solutions integrate seamlessly with both Teams and Webex, and why we invest so heavily in helping our growing network of Managed Service Provider partners cater to their customers’ multi-vendor compatibility needs.

Whether you are an MSP or a business of any kind looking to communicate smarter and more cost-effectively, come and talk to us.


We always have cake...