Evolve IP Blog | UK

Mobility – When Two Into One Does Go

Written by Scot Rixon | EMEA Solution Director | Sep 3, 2024 10:48:49 AM

Mobility When Two Into One Does Go 


Hands-up if you have a personal mobile and a work mobile? 


Pockets or bags always feel a bit full? Forget which ring tone is which? 


To be serious, if that’s you, you’re not alone. 


In fact, I asked the same question at a sales presentation recently and two thirds of the room put their hands up. When I then asked how many knew their mobile would support two SIM cards, pretty much none of the hands went down. 


It made we wonder why they were all carrying two phones when they could have their personal and work numbers on one? Plus, why are employers going to the expense of supplying their people with a costly mobile when they prefer to use their own? 


Of course, the mobile-first world in which we all now live means we could barely function without our phones. Our lives – personal and professional – are pretty much contained within them and, for millions, occupying a desk in an office five days a week is a welcome thing of the past. 


Mobility is now king. Work from anywhere. Be in when you’re out. Improve that work-life balance.  


It means that, for employees, a two (or even three) SIM mobile is a no brainer. Separate numbers, separate lines, separate bills. Turn your work number off at will or redirect calls to a colleague or voicemail. All secure and, brilliantly, just one device to carry. 


For employers too, cost and control benefits are everywhere. Cost because there is obviously no need to provide employees with devices, and control because a work SIM in an employee’s own phone can be managed and monitored centrally, with the resulting performance data leveraged to improve workflows and processes. 


Furthermore, if employees are allowed to use their own mobile number, what happens when they leave the business? Customer calls to that person are no longer answered or, worse, the employee takes the customer with them to a rival. For regulated businesses – banks, law firms and the like – the critical capture and storage of work-only mobile phone communication data is also easy via existing compliance and governance applications.    


Of course, there are plenty of over-the-top mobile applications which seek to provide a separate, work-only means of communication via an employee’s own device. Microsoft Teams and Cisco Webex are the best-known examples. But people crave simplicity, so they resort to their phone’s native dialler, rendering those calls outside of any employer data capture and performance analysis capability.   


Plus, although mobile phone signals vary in dependability across geographies, they are mostly many times more reliable than calls and video conferences made via a data signal. 


At Evolve IP UK, we have built a mobile offering which gives our direct customers and our growing partner network of Managed Service Providers the opportunity to easily and effectively drive smarter communication. 


Separate E-SIMs dropped frictionlessly onto an employee’s device, enabling that crucial personal/professional separation.    


Easy to buy, easy to sell, easy to deliver. 


For the end user organisation (and its employees), it enables a new kind of true mobility. One which puts the ability to seamlessly blend their personal world with their professional world literally in the palm of their hand. 


Hands-up who likes the sound of that…